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To Do or To Change – A Question for Social Purpose Organisations
What sort of organisation is yours? Do you do things, or do you change things? So, what’s the difference? And why does it even matter?

The Relativity of Time
I was back in Adelaide at the beginning of the year. I say back, as Adelaide was where I was born and raised, and my

R-E-S-P-E-C-T……what it means to you
Otis Redding wrote about it. Aretha Franklin sang about it. It is a gift we can all seek at times. And we can also feel
A Wonderful Time of the Year … But it Could be Better!
The ‘final quarter quickstep’ is the dance we do every financial year as we scramble for the fundraising result we want. How can we change
A Different View of a Philanthropist
I want to tell you about the philanthropist who didn’t give any money to charities. Actually, I don’t know whether he did, or he didn’t.
Why are you Raising Funds?
It’s a simple question. With an obvious answer. Or is it? Fundraising serves mission, or to put it another way, your purpose. Your organisation’s reason